Compiling a Living Database for any chosen demarcated area;

 All suppliers of goods and services with:

  1. Full contact details and certified skills/education profiles of all key people
  2. Continuously verified compliance - universally acceptable to all procurers
  3. Continuously evaluated performance – during the contract, at completion and at a pre-determined time after completion to verify sustainability
  4. Tested proficiency, refreshed after every completed contract
  5. Proven track record due to transparency, accountability and restitution  
  6. Suggested remedies to perform in excellence or maintain what is already good
  7. Active and dynamic Regional, National and International exposure to suitable business opportunities in terms of proficiency and capacity

All economic active people in all business sectors with:

  1. Full contact details and claimed skills/education profiles of individuals
  2. Up-to-date levels of experience, skills and education (claimed)
  3. Proven track record – verified
  4. Performance continuously evaluated for remedies to perform in excellence
  5. Trends on Supply & Demand activities and GAP analysis


  1. Demand with supply to establish gaps representing business opportunities
  2. Prevailing skills/education levels with current and future business demands
  3. Current school/university curricula content with prevalent and future demands
  4. Individual performance aligned to institution responsible for education

People yet to become economic active:

  1. Full contact details, skills/education levels and
  2. Personal potential for employment 


In order to achieve the above goals, the enthusiastic and spontaneous cooperation of all businesses and people are imperative.  In fact, a compelling reason for cooperation enthusiastically is the only way this kind of database will be possible.  No amount of money can buy this kind of cooperation over a prolonged period as such a database will be prohibitively expensive to compile and kept up-to-date.

The Centre for Applied Management Science Trust and its associates are ideally equipped to achieve the above goals because of its:

  1. Unique methodology (introducing the principles of Value Management addressing hardcore everyday problems with the sound application of management science as well as human development and statistical sciences),

  2. Leading-edge technology for cost-effectiveness (revolving around data gathering, analysis & interpretation and business intelligence in the form of user-friendly reports),

  3. Dynamic strategy, uniquely applied to capitalize on the (a) transparency and (b) accountability and (c) restitution (fixing of mistakes) brought about by the methodology. 

All of the above are components of the Meribah Accelerated Corporate Development Program which is critical to attaining the goals set out above.  This dynamic Program is introduced by running three deployment strategies concurrently.  The Top-down, Bottom-up and Special Interest strategies eventually culminate into the greater good of all stakeholders and the country as a whole – creating a true win-win scenario for all.

Once the process has been launched and on its way it quickly becomes self-sustainable and it remains self-sufficient and sustainable indefinitely –  
feeding off its significant value.   


It is an open group (for the time being).  Its first priority is to allow people who feel inspired by the information on this website to express their interest by joining.  As soon as the time is right we will communicate with all the members and explain the step-by-step implementation process. 
The deployment will commence wherever the required skills are found.