Mobilizing people (target markets) to support those who meet or exceed their expectations and to avoid those who consistently disappoint them

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Our methodology allows us to compare apples with pears - we can confidently state that a specific apple, as an apple, is a better apple than another pear is pear.

Action (the performance of a process) always leads to an outcome -
Outcomes are evaluated 24/7 and then quantified into a single number 


Action (performance of processes) always leads to a specific outcome.  Outcomes are evaluated 24/7 and represented by a Performance Index.  A performance Index displays the ability of a person (or organization) to have delivered benefits that are meaningful, visible and verifiable compared to the prevailing expectation of the market (often created by its own marketing communication or contracted Service Level Agreements).

We only evaluate what is promised in the product offer – people often do not do what is expected, only what is inspected

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